Amber McGregor


I am a dedicated, driven, and highly adaptable IT professional with over ten years of experience in all aspects of system development life cycle, but have been out of the industry for a number of years. I have recently completed Denver University's Coding Bootcamp for Full Stack Web Development looking to re-launch my IT career.

Web Apps

Family Photos
GitHub Repository: MyPhotos

An application to load and store photos and identify the location, people and date of the photo. Additionally you can create albums using the location, date and people in the photos.

Quote Generator
GitHub Repository: Quote Generator

A database-powered quote generator with a mobile-first design, using the Ruby on Rails framework, HTML, and CSS. Uses Git and GitHub for version control, and launched on Heroku.

Yelp Clone
GitHub Repository: Nomster

A Yelp clone that integrates with the Google Maps API and includes features like user comments, star ratings, image uploading, and user authentication.

Two-Sided Market Place
GitHub Repository: Flixter

A two-sided, video-streaming marketplace platform that features credit card payment capabilities, user role management, complex user interfaces, and advanced database relationships.

Single Page Todo Application
GitHub Repository: To Do List

This single-page to-do application features a fluid user interface that by using JavaScript allows users to rapidly add dynamic content.

Test Driven Development
GitHub Repository: Grammable

An Instagram clone that was built using industry-standard, test-driven development following numerous red/green/refactor cycles.

Skills & Tools

Amber has developed proficiency and expertise in the following programming languages and comfort with the following tools.


Currently entertaining new opportunities. Please get in touch via email:

Amber McGregor - LinkedIn Account
Amber McGregor - GitHub Repository